Senin, 29 Oktober 2018

Privacy Policy Ramuan Tradisi

Gura built the Ramuan Tradisi app as a Free app. This SERVICE is provided by Gura at no cost and is intended for use as is.

This page is used to inform user and visitors regarding my policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use my Service.
If you choose to use my Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy. The Personal Information that I collect is used for providing and improving the Service. I will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.
The terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, which is accessible at Ramuan Tradisi unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy.
Information Collection and Use
For a better experience, while using our Service, I may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information, including but not limited to email. The information that I request is retained on your device and is not collected by me in any way
The app does use third party services that may collect information used to identify you.
Link to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the app
·                     Google Play Services
Log Data
I want to inform you that whenever you use my Service, in a case of an error in the app I collect data and information (through third party products) on your phone called Log Data. This Log Data may include information such as your device Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, device name, operating system version, the configuration of the app when utilizing my Service, the time and date of your use of the Service, and other statistics.
Cookies are files with a small amount of data that are commonly used as anonymous unique identifiers. These are sent to your browser from the websites that you visit and are stored on your device's internal memory.
This Service does not use these “cookies” explicitly. However, the app may use third party code and libraries that use “cookies” to collect information and improve their services. You have the option to either accept or refuse these cookies and know when a cookie is being sent to your device. If you choose to refuse our cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of this Service.
Service Providers
I may employ third-party companies and individuals due to the following reasons:
·                     To facilitate our Service;
·                     To provide the Service on our behalf;
·                     To perform Service-related services; or
·                     To assist us in analyzing how our Service is used.
I want to inform users of this Service that these third parties have access to your Personal Information. The reason is to perform the tasks assigned to them on our behalf. However, they are obligated not to disclose or use the information for any other purpose.
I value your trust in providing us your Personal Information, thus we are striving to use commercially acceptable means of protecting it. But remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and reliable, and I cannot guarantee its absolute security.
Links to Other Sites
This Service may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. Note that these external sites are not operated by me. Therefore, I strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of these websites. I have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services.
Children’s Privacy
These Services do not address anyone under the age of 13. I do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. In the case I discover that a child under 13 has provided me with personal information, I immediately delete this from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact me so that I will be able to do necessary actions.
Changes to This Privacy Policy
I may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. I will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page.

Contact Us
If you have any questions or suggestions about my Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact me. By email :

Rabu, 08 Agustus 2018

Privacy Policy Harga Kelapa Sawit Online

Privacy Policy
Gura built the Harga Kelapa Sawit Online app as a Free app. This SERVICE is provided by Gura at no cost and is intended for use as is.
This page is used to inform website visitors regarding my policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use my Service.
If you choose to use my Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy. The Personal Information that I collect is used for providing and improving the Service. I will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.
The terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, which is accessible at Harga Kelapa Sawit Online unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy.
Information Collection and Use
For a better experience, while using our Service, I may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information, including but not limited to email. The information that I request is retained on your device and is not collected by me in any way
The app does use third party services that may collect information used to identify you.
Link to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the app
Log Data
I want to inform you that whenever you use my Service, in a case of an error in the app I collect data and information (through third party products) on your phone called Log Data. This Log Data may include information such as your device Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, device name, operating system version, the configuration of the app when utilizing my Service, the time and date of your use of the Service, and other statistics.
Cookies are files with a small amount of data that are commonly used as anonymous unique identifiers. These are sent to your browser from the websites that you visit and are stored on your device's internal memory.
This Service does not use these “cookies” explicitly. However, the app may use third party code and libraries that use “cookies” to collect information and improve their services. You have the option to either accept or refuse these cookies and know when a cookie is being sent to your device. If you choose to refuse our cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of this Service.
Service Providers
I may employ third-party companies and individuals due to the following reasons:
  • To facilitate our Service;
  • To provide the Service on our behalf;
  • To perform Service-related services; or
  • To assist us in analyzing how our Service is used.
I want to inform users of this Service that these third parties have access to your Personal Information. The reason is to perform the tasks assigned to them on our behalf. However, they are obligated not to disclose or use the information for any other purpose.
I value your trust in providing us your Personal Information, thus we are striving to use commercially acceptable means of protecting it. But remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and reliable, and I cannot guarantee its absolute security.
Links to Other Sites
This Service may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. Note that these external sites are not operated by me. Therefore, I strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of these websites. I have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services.
Children’s Privacy
These Services do not address anyone under the age of 13. I do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. In the case I discover that a child under 13 has provided me with personal information, I immediately delete this from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact me so that I will be able to do necessary actions.
Changes to This Privacy Policy
I may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. I will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page.
Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about my Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact me.

Kamis, 31 Mei 2018

PlanterCalc Kalkulator Planter

PlanterCalc Kalkulator Planter. Planter adalah sebutan untuk orang yang bekerja di perkebunan baik itu perkebunan kelapa sawit, karet, cacao, teh, tebu, kopi dan masih banyak lagi. Kali ini clubappinventor akan berbagi sebuah aplikasi untuk para planter di perkebunan kelapa sawit. Aplikasi ini bernama PlanterCalc dan berguna untuk beberapa hitungan dalam beberapa pekerjaan utama planter di perkebunan kelapa sawit.
Berikut ulasan aplikasinya :
PlanterCalc merupakan aplikasi yang dapat mudah dipakai karena menu yang ditawarkan sangat sederhana dan berisi perhitungan untuk planter di perkebunan kelapa sawit. Jadi dapat disebutkan bahwa aplikasi platercalc adalah aplikasi kalkulator untuk planter perkebunan kelapa sawit.
Menu utama PlanterCalc terdiri dari 4 yaitu :

  1. LC (Land Clearing)
  2. PUPUK
  3. PANEN
Setiap menu memiliki fungsi perhitungan kalkulator untuk menghitung beberapa perhitungan yang sering diperlukan oleh planter di pekerjaan land clearing, pemupukan, panen dan semprot.

Menu LC (Land clearing)
Menu LC merupakan aplikasi kalkulator sederhana dari PlanterCalc untuk  menghitung jarak tanam kelapa sawit dalam bentuk segitiga sama sisi dan jarak baris tanaman kelapa sawit. Kalkulator ini akan sangat membantu rekan planter di land clearing yang terbiasa dengan perhitungan jarak tanam yang di gunakan jika ada populasi kelapa sawit yang sudah ditargetkan.

Penggunaan sebagai berikut :
  1. Pilih menu LC di menu utama
  2. Masukkan jumlah pokok per Ha yang diinginkan
  3. Tekan tombol “HITUNG”
  4. Akan keluar perhitungan
    1. Jarak tanam kelapa sawit
    2. Jarak antar baris kelapa sawit
  5. Jika ingin menghitung jarak tanam dengan populasi yang berbeda tekan tombol “RESET” untuk menggembalikan angka ke “0”
  6. Jika ingin kembali ke halaman utama tekan tombol balik di handphone anda.
“Semua sumber data harus diisi dengan angka, dan tidak boleh ada yang kosong”

Menu PUPUK  merupakan aplikasi kalkulator sederhana dari PlanterCalc untuk  menghitung kebutuhan pupuk dalam blok, Kebutuhan karyawan until, kebutuhan karyawan tbur dan kebutuhan truk untuk angkut pupuk. Untuk dapat menghitung hal diatas cukup memasukkan data blok mulai dari dosis pupuk perpokok, luas blok yang diaplikasi, jumlah pokok perHa target output karyawan until dan tabur pupuk serta out put truk
Penggunaan kalkulator PUPUK adalah sebagai berikut :
  1. Pilih menu PUPUK di menu utama
  2. Masukkan dosis pupuk per Ha dengan dosis (Kg/Pokok)
  3. Masukkan Luas (Ha) Blok yang akan di pupuk
  4. Masukkan Jumlah pokok per hektar
  5. Masukkan Out Put karyawan  (Kg) yang melakukan pekerjaan menguntil pupuk di gudang
  6. Masukkan Out Put Karyawan tabur berupa Kg pupuk yaitu kilogrm pupuk yang ditaburkan oleh karyawan / orang
  7. Masukkan Out Put Truk (Kg) yaitu kilogram pupuk yang dapat di angkut oleh truk perhari
  8. Tekan tombol “HITUNG”
9.       Akan keluar hasil perhitungan  :
a.          Kebutuhan pupuk
b.          Kebutuhn Karyawan until
c.          Kebutuhan karyawan tabur
d.          Kebutuhan truk untuk mengangkut pupuk
  1. Jika ingin menghitung ulang anda tinggal menekan tombol “RESET”, tetapi jika ingin mengganti sumber data tertentu tinggal menggeser ke lokasi sumber data yang ingin di ganti dan tekan kembali tombol “HITUNG” untuk menghitung ulang.
  2. Jika ingin kembali ke halaman utama tekan tombol balik di handphone anda.
“Semua sumber data harus diisi dengan angka, dan tidak boleh ada yang kosong”

Menu Panen  merupakan aplikasi kalkulator sederhana dari PlanterCalc untuk  menghitung kerapatan panen, estimasi janjang panen, estimasi kilogram panen,  dan kebutuhan pemanen dan kebutuhan truk untuk angkut tandan buah segar. Untuk dapat menghitung hal diatas cukup memasukkan data janjang masak di pokok panen yang diperiksa, pokok panen diperiksa, luas blok yang akan di panen, berat janjang rata-rata, out put pemanen dan out put truk untuk angkut tandan buah segar.
Penggunaan kalkulator PANEN adalah sebagai berikut :
  1. Pilih menu “PANEN” di menu utama
  2. Masukkan jumlah janjang masak pada pokok panen yang diperiksa
  3. Masukkan luas blok yang akan di panen
  4. Masukkan berat janjang rata-rata
  5. Masukkan Out Put pemanen dalam satuan janjang
  6. Masukkan Out Put Truk dalam satuan Kg
  7. Tekan tombol “HITUNG” untuk mulai menghitung
  8. Akan diperoleh hasil perhitungan berupa :
    1.  Kerapatan panen
    2. Estimasi Janjang Panen
    3. Estimasi KG panen
    4. Kebutuhan Pemanen
    5. Kebutuhan truk
  1. JIka ingin menghitung ulang dengan mengganti semua angka silahkan pilih tombol “RESET”, tetapi jika ingin mengganti sumber data tertentu tinggal menggeser ke lokasi sumber data yang ingin di ganti dan tekan kembali tombol “HITUNG” untuk menghitung ulang.
  2. JIka ingin kembali ke menu utama anda tinggal menekan tombol kembali di hand phone anda
“Semua sumber data harus diisi dengan angka, dan tidak boleh ada yang kosong”

Menu Panen  merupakan aplikasi kalkulator sederhana dari PlanterCalc untuk  menghitung SF (Spray Faktor), volume semprot, kebutuhan air, kebutuhan racun, dosis, kebutuhan tenaga kerja dan kebutuhan truk. Untuk dapat menghitung hal diatas cukup memasukkan data-data lebar piringan, lebar pasar pikul, panjang pasar pikul perbaris, luas tph, ratio tph/ha, luas areal yang disemprot, jumlah pokok/ha, flowrate, kecepatan jalan pekerja, lebar semprot dari nozel yang digunakan, dosis blanked herbisida yang digunakan, volume knapsack dan out put karyawan yang menyemprot.
Penggunaan kalkulator PANEN adalah sebagai berikut :
  1. Pilih menu “SEMPROT” di menu utama
  2. Masukkan data-data :
    1. Lebar piringan
    2. Labar pasar pikul
    3. Panjang pasar pikul perbaris
    4. Luas tph
    5. Ratio tph
    6. Luas areal semprot
    7. Jumlah pokok/Ha
    8. Flow rate
    9. Kecepatan jalan pekerja
    10. Lebar semprot nozel yang digunakan
    11. Dosis blanked herbisa per ha
    12. Volume knap sack yang digunakan
    13. Out put karyawan
“Semua sumber data harus diisi dengan angka, dan tidak boleh ada yang kosong”

  1. Untuk menghitung tekan tombol “HITUNG”
  2. Akan diperoleh perhitungan :
    1. Spray factor
    2. Volume semprot blanked
    3. Kebutuhan racun
    4. Kebutuhan air
    5. Kebutuhan tenaga kerja
  3. JIka ingin menghitung ulang dengan mengganti semua angka silahkan pilih tombol “RESET”, tetapi jika ingin mengganti sumber data tertentu tinggal menggeser ke lokasi sumber data yang ingin di ganti dan tekan kembali tombol “HITUNG” untuk menghitung ulang.
  4. JIka ingin kembali ke menu utama anda tinggal menekan tombol kembali di hand phone anda.  
Berikut adalah link download aplikasi Kalkulator Planter Jika tidak berhasil klik dibawah ini :

Download Kalkulator Planter

Aplikasi ini dapat anda download di Play Store


Selamat pagi bagi rekan-rekan planter di dunia terkhusus buat planter yang ada di Indonesia. Hari ini clubplanter ingin mengucapkan SALAM JUMPA dengan blog ini yang akan berbagi berbagai informasi tentang planter terkhusu tentang beberapa teknologi android yang dapat di aplikasikan dalam dunia perkebunan, pertanian, pangan, hortikultura, palawija dan termasuk kehutanan.

Aplikasi yang akan diberikan berupa perhitungan seperti :
1. populasi tanaman
2. menghitung jarak tanam dari populasi yang diinginkan
3. Menghitung potensi produksi
4. Menghitung potensi kebutuhan tenaga kerja
5. Penanganan pasca panen
6. Menghitung kebutuhan pupuk
7. Menghitung kebutuhan semprot mulai dari kebutuhan tenaga kerja, kebutuhan herbisida, kebutuhan air dan kebutuhan alat
8. Perhitungan lainny

Blog ini akan berbagi informasi kepada rekan-rekan semuanya dan semoga saja aplikais yang dibagikan akan berbugan bagi rekan-rekan semuanya.